As a Gen Xer myself, I've often written that we need to stop complaining about Gen Y and start helping them. I think older generations did us a disservice early in our careers that we should not repeat.
This Blog is dedicated to generational marketing and communications and hosted by GenerationXpert Suzanne Kart. Suzanne, who is a Gen Xer, has more than 10 years experience writing, speaking, and studying generational communications and has spoken on the local, state, national, and international level. She can be reached at
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New book tackles managing Gen Y
I'm reading a book right now called "Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y" that I wanted to tell you all about. Written by Gen Xer Bruce Tulgan, it discusses some of the misconceptions we may have about those people just entering the workforce and what we can do to help get "Gen Yers on board and up-to-speed - giving them the context they lack, teaching them how to manage themselves" and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
If you don't read anything else, read this...
As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of the Green Mullet. He's probably the most prolific environmental journalist of our time. He also fathered my children.
He wrote something today that's probably one of my favorite blog posts of all time. It's called Last night Eddie Vedder offered me a green job. Trust me, if you read it, you'll be hooked.
He wrote something today that's probably one of my favorite blog posts of all time. It's called Last night Eddie Vedder offered me a green job. Trust me, if you read it, you'll be hooked.
Friday, March 20, 2009
An open letter to parents who send their kids to daycare
Dear moms and dads:
I’m a working mom of two well-adjusted kids who went to daycare from the time they were babies. I have never regretted sending them and I want to share some things I’ve learned.
Most people I know took grief from their own parents for sending their kids to daycare. They will tell you that your kid will love the babysitter more than you and think she’s her mother (this never happens.) They may act as if they are embarrassed to tell their friends their grandchild goes to daycare. They will question every aspect of the care your kid is receiving – from the frequency of diaper changing to the quality of food.
You need to blow off grandma and grandpa on this one. There’s a new sheriff in town. YOU are the parent. If having a career is something will make you feel fulfilled, then you will be a better parent by having a career – oh, and kids have fun at daycare, by the way.
And if you choose to stay home – do it without apologies. You’re not lazy. You don’t lack ambition. You made a choice. Own it.
There’s a lot of pressure on parents these days to be perfect. There’s a lot of guilt trips being flung around. Let your kid ride his bike around the block alone? You’re putting him at risk of being abducted and raped. Don’t want to watch soccer practice (not the game, the practice), because it bores you out of your skull? How could you? They’re only young once. Make your daughter buy her lunch every day because you’re sick of making PB&J? You scoundrel!
Just remember some advice I read in a book by Vicki Iovine – you don’t have to be perfect, just good enough.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Why you may be acting like a Boomer
I’ve been out of the blogosphere for a while due to 1) a vacation (awesome, by the way) and 2) taking on a new project at my “day job” in which my learning curve has been a little steeper than usual.
One thing I’ve been thinking about is how it’s important to not only take advantage of your generationally-typical qualities (i.e., I’m an Xer and I usually don’t have a hard time learning new software, because that’s what I grew up with) but also the qualities you have that may be typical of another generation.
For instance, although I grew up in the 80s with computers, technology, acid washed jeans, I’m also an Xer who was raised by a leading-edge Boomer and trailing-edge silent. Sometimes I use some really out-dated slang (thanks, mom), which throws people off. On more than one occasion I’ve had my Boomer colleagues at work do a double take because I was talking their talk. I also know most of the Peter, Paul, and Mary catalog, because that’s what records my dad had when I was a kid. So enjoying a little beatnik folk music has endeared me to some, too.
I’ve been a long-time believer that the single most important indicator of success is your ability to get along and work with others. And most people like people with whom they have something in common. Often, it doesn’t have to be a major thing. Finding those similarities may benefit you a lot more than sticking to your generationally-specific uniqueness.
One thing I’ve been thinking about is how it’s important to not only take advantage of your generationally-typical qualities (i.e., I’m an Xer and I usually don’t have a hard time learning new software, because that’s what I grew up with) but also the qualities you have that may be typical of another generation.
For instance, although I grew up in the 80s with computers, technology, acid washed jeans, I’m also an Xer who was raised by a leading-edge Boomer and trailing-edge silent. Sometimes I use some really out-dated slang (thanks, mom), which throws people off. On more than one occasion I’ve had my Boomer colleagues at work do a double take because I was talking their talk. I also know most of the Peter, Paul, and Mary catalog, because that’s what records my dad had when I was a kid. So enjoying a little beatnik folk music has endeared me to some, too.
I’ve been a long-time believer that the single most important indicator of success is your ability to get along and work with others. And most people like people with whom they have something in common. Often, it doesn’t have to be a major thing. Finding those similarities may benefit you a lot more than sticking to your generationally-specific uniqueness.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Enjoy the weekend
The weather here is warm and I'm enjoying it! Also makes me think of being a kid in the spring.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Generational differences - and light bulbs
Thought I'd try out some new jokes on you and see your reaction.
Q: How many Babyboomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Not really sure, but they're going to have a day-long retreat to brainstorm on the issue and will report back their recommendations.
Q: How many Gen Xers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Just one - the slacker who blew off the brainstorming session.
Q: How many Babyboomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: The light bulb committee has determined it will take two - one to screw it in and one to supervise.
Q: How many Millennials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: All of them. And the worked as a team! And it was the best light bulb screwing any generation ever did - so I gave them all a trophy!
Q: How many Babyboomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Not really sure, but they're going to have a day-long retreat to brainstorm on the issue and will report back their recommendations.
Q: How many Gen Xers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Just one - the slacker who blew off the brainstorming session.
Q: How many Babyboomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: The light bulb committee has determined it will take two - one to screw it in and one to supervise.
Q: How many Millennials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: All of them. And the worked as a team! And it was the best light bulb screwing any generation ever did - so I gave them all a trophy!
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