Unless you have been shipwrecked on an deserted island, you know that Sex and the City will soon be released as a major motion picture. If you are a woman in your 30s and 40s, it may even feel like one of your best girl friends is coming home for a visit.
Sex and the City has lasting appeal among this demographic. One of the reasons is that the four characters offer a realistic depiction of the Gen X/Trailing edge boomer female mindset - even if they don't necessarily live realistic lives. The reason it's realistic is that the women in Sex and the City focus on what's really important - their lives. And they do it while wearing fabulous shoes.
Often, women this age are portrayed two ways: Stay at home moms or uber career women who only care about their jobs. These stereotypes may have held some merit with leading edge Boomers, but not trailing edge Boomers or Xers.
The New York Times said this movie is like the Super Bowl for women. I think in some ways, in the back of their minds, the Super Bowl allows men to live out a fantasy that they are jocks who play pro ball. And Sex and the City allows women to live out a fantasy where they have cool friends who go out with them every night and everyone gets to wear designer clothes - and everything comes in their size. Another similarity is that - in both cases - those watching don't mind being seriously marketed to for the privledge.
Is it a coincidence that Carrie Bradshaw wears Manolo Blahniks and uses and Apple computer?
Speaking of this, I heard a snarky TV commentator remark about "aging actresses." Oh, and I suppose he's frozen in time?
How about "aging" Harrison Ford still tromping around as Indy?
Aging? I heard the Babyboomers declared 60 is the new 30. That would make most of the "Sex" gals still in their teens!
Just got my check for $500.
Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can make taking paid surveys online...
So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.
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