Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday roads: Where Gen X and the Griswolds intersect

I've been thinking about being a Gen X parent lately. Three things really started me on this thought path. First, do to the enormous amount of snow dumped on us in mid-Michigan, my kids have been home from school - a lot. Secondly, National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation was on television last weekend. And lastly, I found a new blog by Canadian Lillian Schaer where she talks about a Gen X baby boom that's happening.

So I started asking myself: Are we becoming the next generation of Clark Griswolds? And then I answered myself: Yes.

Clark lives in his family-centered life and is often misunderstood by outsiders.
Clark likes to have a good time with his family.

Clark is a successful professional (in the food additives business, which affords him the opportunity to treat his family to cool vacations.)

I think you could say the same thing about Xers: We're family centered, like to have fun, and successful in our work although most of the outside world seems to ignore that fact.

Therefore, Xers, this holiday season, I encourage you to embrace you inner Griswold.

1 comment:

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

That's a great link - the Punk Rock HR.