As often as I see articles proclaiming Generation Xers to be slackers, I have to admit that Millennials are really getting a bum rap for being the "poorest performers" in the job market.
It's probably true that they are not performing at the levels of their X and Boomer counterparts. Want to know why? Because they are like 25-YEARS-OLD!
What would that say about the last 15-years that I've been working hard, learning, improving, and "sharpening that saw," if I was at the same level as someone just getting out of undergrad? I'll tell you, 37-year-old Suzanne is a lot stronger professional than 25-year-old Suzanne was.
Therefore, my advice to the Millennials - just hang in there.
When I think of the stupid things I did at 25 and younger... *shudder*
I do think they are getting a raw deal. Did you read that op ed the Pittsburg U. student wrote about this very thing? It was a week or two ago - I linked to it in one of the news roundup posts I do, but you can google it. It was pretty scathing.
Excellent advice-talent + experience = jobs in any market. Why do you think companies ask retired workers to come back and work part time ?? 1-Experience, 2 no training needed, 3 flex hours,4 They don't screw up big time, 5 they can share their knowledge etc (and they don't have to be paid all the benefits).
I think it is more about us managing and in some cases downsizing our expecations of gen y. And hey if you don't want to have the gen y in the workpalce don't hire one ...
I also think that 'job fit', the right person for the right job is the most signifcant factor affecting how satisfied we are as managers with the crew we manage - the old square peg round hole thingo - cheers le
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