Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Icepick Cometh

For those of you looking for another Gen X voice in cyberspace, I've found a blog I really like: The Icepick Cometh. Most recently, Icepick explores how Gen Xers not only are cyncial about the world, but about themselves:

One thing that escaped me until recently (but seems rather obvious now) — our
generation’s tendency to cast the proverbial jaded eye on everything includes
casting that eye back on ourselves.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have Babyboomers gone out of style?

Marian Salzman, the writer credited with popularizing the term "metrosexuality," says 2008 was the year when Boomers went out of style - and Generation Jones has taken their place. Generation Jones is made up of people who were born at the end of the Baby Boom and the beginning of Generation X (and, frankly, they are Gen Xers, although the Boomers don't want to let them go.)

Salzman says that Generation Jones-ers have very different values than people who came of age in the 1960s.

They value traditional notions of family but see men and women as equals in
parenting. They go back to older American values -- civility, community,
responsibility -- yet keenly embrace technology and use the Internet naturally.

Sounds like Generation X to me. In fact, kind of sounds like me.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Office parties and Generation X

The number one complaint I get from Gen Xers about dealing with Boomers at work is that they don't want to get roped into ANOTHER party, cookie exchange, secret santa, or, frankly, any team building activity.

Today, one of my favorite blogs Punk Rock HR has something to add: Don't ask me to plan your stupid party, either.

Thank you Punk Rock HR for educating the masses!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday roads: Where Gen X and the Griswolds intersect

I've been thinking about being a Gen X parent lately. Three things really started me on this thought path. First, do to the enormous amount of snow dumped on us in mid-Michigan, my kids have been home from school - a lot. Secondly, National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation was on television last weekend. And lastly, I found a new blog by Canadian Lillian Schaer where she talks about a Gen X baby boom that's happening.

So I started asking myself: Are we becoming the next generation of Clark Griswolds? And then I answered myself: Yes.

Clark lives in his family-centered life and is often misunderstood by outsiders.
Clark likes to have a good time with his family.

Clark is a successful professional (in the food additives business, which affords him the opportunity to treat his family to cool vacations.)

I think you could say the same thing about Xers: We're family centered, like to have fun, and successful in our work although most of the outside world seems to ignore that fact.

Therefore, Xers, this holiday season, I encourage you to embrace you inner Griswold.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A-ha - we're not so bad after all!

Anyone from the Boomers on down can relate to this: Having parents and other adults harp on you when you were a kid about watching too much television.

"Why don't you go outside? Climb a tree?" seemed to be a common question asked by parents.

Well, it turns out we're all hypocrites. The Matures watch more TV than the Boomers. Boomers watch more than the Xers. And Xers watch more than the Ys.

Time.com reported on the Deloitte study this week.
According to a new study from Deloitte (h/t TVTattle), "millennials" (Americans aged 14 to 25) watch 10.25 hours of TV per week—although they spend more time with "media" (including computers, videogames and music) than other age groups. Beyond that group, TV use goes up with age: 15.1 hours for Gen X (those aged 26 to 42), 19.2 hours for baby boomers (43-61) and 21.5 hours for "matures" (62-75).
However, this is not just important to those who want to throw it in the face of their elders - it's also significant to those who are trying to market their products and services to younger demographics. Obviously, television advertising may not be the way to go (but we kind of knew that anyway.)

Friday, December 12, 2008

How dumb are you?

In light of the recent rumblings as to which is the dumbest, most underacheiving generation, I have decided to do a poll to find out the real answer.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Those crazy Gen Ys...

I've seen a lot written lately about Gen Y's post college depression and I'm worried. Not because they're supposedly depressed, but because they are being labeled depressed.

When I was there age, they called that being a slacker. Which describes neither Gen X or Gen Y. To me it was the way Boomers saw what we were going through. And calling Ys depressed is just another way to make the younger people feel like they're not living up to their potential.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should give our Gen Y brothers and sisters a free ride. Getting through those first years out of college is a rite of passage that I believe is necessary if we're going to grow into strong, independent adults. But let's remember that we all went through this, too. And it wasn't fun to be labeled because of it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Good stuff: Obama & Generation Jones

Althought I don't agree with EVERYTHING in this video (for instance, I absolutely think Obama is an Xer - he's the king of the Xers - he's the poster boy for Xerness), I find one theme right on track: The Obama victory was a generational shift in politics. We can call it post-Boomer politics if that makes people feel better.

I realize Obama is black. I realized that it's a big deal that he's the first black president. Yet, that's not why he is so appealing. There are many of people of color in this clip that talk about generational impact on Obama's candidacy. It's because the race and generational issues are intertwined here. Xers are more racial diverse.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Xers shop online, yet still don't care about your marketing strategy

A new study by the Pew Internet and American Life project shows that three-quarters of Gen X women shop online. However, despite the large amount of Xers in cyberspace, they are still a tricky demographic to target, according to emarketing.com. Unlike Gen Y, who use the Internet mostly for entertainment, Gen X uses the Internet as a resource for information. Therefore, they want your information, not your marketing messages.

Here's an idea: Give Xers the information they want about your product - and if it's something that meets their needs they will buy it. I know, marketing can be such a tough thing to master.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Xers are the new establishment - Not!

It seems that everywhere I look lately, there is a Gen Y blogging about how we Xers are jealous of them, are commited to the company, and the people who are crushing those great Gen Y ideas at every turn.

And I can't help but thinking - what?

Seriously. What?

Even our friends over at Brazen Careerist can be guilty of it. However, if you ask a Boomer whether Xers are like them, you will hear a resounding "Nooooooo!"

So, just for the record, Xers are not like Boomers. They're more like Ys, without all the soccer trophies. And a little bit more sarcasm. And they drive minivans (hey, we're parents now, what can I say?).

Here's my free advice to Gen Y bloggers: There are a lot of things you can rip on Xers about - our need to add our glib opinions to everything, our lack of trying to sugar-coat things so we don't hurt your feelings, our bad fashion choices in the 80s, our obsessive use of the f-word. However, we don't buy into the hierarchy either. Our cohorts are responsible for Amazon.com and Google. We're the generation of Kurt Cobain and Janeane Garafalo.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How technology has impacted the brains of Generations X & Y

It turns out that the technology that Generations X & Y have grown up with has not only impacted the way we communicate - it has impacted the way our brains function.

CBS News reports that technology is actually making us smarter - and they have the pictures to prove it.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sometimes generational differences have nothing to do with it

I call this trans-generation humor

Gen Y bloggers expand options at Brazen Careerist

If you haven't already checked out the Brazen Careerist website, now is a great time to do so. Co-founder Ryan Healy reports that the blogging community now offers members the opportunity to create profiles, network with other members, and upload color photos.

I've been a long-time fan of the site. Well, at least since last winter when they started it. It's a great place to gauge the Gen Y mindset. And like many Gen Xers, I think it's also kind of fun to poke at the Gen Ys once in a while.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newspapers: Are reports of their demise premature?

I read an article recently in the Detroit Free Press that quoted media mogul Rupert Murdoch as saying that newspapers will survive the transition into the 21st Century. The reason? People crave information.

Murdoch says he likes the feel of newspaper as much as the next guy, but newspaper journalists need to get over it. It all comes down to people want an information source they can trust.

“I like the look and feel of newsprint as much as anyone,” Murdoch told the
Freep. “But our real business isn’t printing on dead trees. It’s giving our
readers great journalism and great judgment."

What do you think?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Smells like (middle aged) spirit

In an article called "What ever happened to the class of '93," The Chicago Sun Times explores the music that defined a lot of our formative cohort experience. And helped us create our "slacker" image.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The REAL secret to marketing to Gen X

I read a lot of stories about Gen X and marketing. And I write them, too. But the fact of the matter is that it's not that hard to market to Gen X.

Here's what you need to do: 1) Find out what Xers need. Something that solves a problem they have. 2) Offer that product or service. 3) Let Xers know about your offer.

That's how Google achieved its success.

I love waxing philosophical about generational differences as much as the next gal, but I guess I'm just getting a little bored with the media trying to unlock the marketing "puzzle" which is Gen X. It's really not that hard.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When you don't know what to say

Today I went to the funeral home because a friend of mine died. We weren't close friends. Actually, we hung out with some of the same people - and that was before I had my oldest daughter 7 years ago. That's how we knew each other. But I liked this woman. She was cool.

And although I'm always talking - and writing - I just don't have the words today. So I'm going to share her obituary.

Perreault, Lori Jo
Bay City, Michigan

Lori Jo Passed away peacefully November 6, 2008 at Brian’s House surrounded by family members and friends. She flashed across the sky like a comet, lit bright, for a while---and then was gone far too quickly. Like Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she asked the world: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Her family, friends and thousands unlucky enough not to have met her yet will mourn the laughing, sparkly eyed brunette who threw the mantle of her grandmother Ramona over herself and went out to conquer the world.
Orders of nuns, kids in poverty, minority scholars, honest philanthropies
needing organization, churches, schools-were all her passions through the Ramona
Non-Profit Consulting Group. Her greatest sadness is that there was still
so much to do, so many people to help, so many causes unfulfilled…At Essexville
Garber High she was homecoming queen, head cheerleader, a good scholar.
She played a great game of soccer on the field, worked at the Midland Nuclear
Plant and taught Bay City school officials the power of positive thinking as a
dynamic secretary in Communications. Off to the South, she earned a
marketing degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, took Texas by
storm and learned her trade in venture capital and fundraising in Fort
Worth. She studied theology and hoped for a master’s degree that will have
to wait for another college in another world and a diploma from a higher
power. Her life has been her theocratic curriculum.

Back home the old St. Mary’s Convent facing the wrecking ball was her cause, and she enlisted family and friends, throwing their lives into the project of
love. Work for her was endless, her clock had no hands. Her parties
were monumental and the grand piano spread classical music over the
assemblage. The brazen cat Pumpkin interrupted executive meetings and was
never chastised. She cooked daily for a dear friend Pat Ankney and her
numerous charities will never be fully realized.

She was born November 23, 1962 in Bay City. She is survived by her father and
Step-mother, Joseph Lynn and Ellen Jean Perreault, her mother, Marie E.
Perreault, and four adoring siblings; her sisters Lynn Weaver, Lois Perreault,
Lisa (Mike) Grills and one brother Ladd (Heidi) Perreault. Lori also had a
very special relationship with each and every one of her 14 nieces and nephews;
Joseph Weaver, Sarah Hunt, Daniel and Michelle Perreault, Athena, Alex, Olivia
and Carly Grills and Brittney, Sean, Nikolas, Ryan, Adam and Leah Perreault.

Funeral Liturgy and Rite of Committal will be on Monday at 10:00 a.m.
at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church. Rev. Fr. Christopher M. Coman will
preside. Private entombment will be in St. Stanislaus Mausoleum. Friends
may call at Penzien-Steele Funeral Home on Sunday from 2-8 p.m. A Rosary
service will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. and a Vigil for the Deceased will take
place at 7 p.m. She will lie in state at the church on Monday from 9 a.m.
until service time. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial
contributions to St. Stanislaus Church.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why I knew racism would not hurt the Obama campaign

A lot was written and said about how American racism would hurt Obama's chance at getting to the oval office. Many people cited the Bradley effect as a reason Obama couldn't win.

However, last week I knew for sure Obama would win. How did I know? My Auntie Helen told me.

Auntie Helen turned 91 last week and when I called to wish her happy birthday, she told me she was voting for Obama.

A little background on Auntie Helen: She's Polish. She's Catholic. And she defines most people by their ethnic heritage and religious background (i.e. my Italian friend, the Jewish lady, etc.). She's not a racist. But she's also not politically correct. I'm sure if you're around my age, you have a grandparent or other relative who's like this (especially if you grew up in a defacto segregated area like metro Detroit - my hometown).

When Auntie Helen told me she was voting for Obama, she did NOT call him the black candidate - she called him the best candidate. That's when I knew.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Of course Millennials are the poorest performers - but not for the reasons you may think

As often as I see articles proclaiming Generation Xers to be slackers, I have to admit that Millennials are really getting a bum rap for being the "poorest performers" in the job market.

It's probably true that they are not performing at the levels of their X and Boomer counterparts. Want to know why? Because they are like 25-YEARS-OLD!

What would that say about the last 15-years that I've been working hard, learning, improving, and "sharpening that saw," if I was at the same level as someone just getting out of undergrad? I'll tell you, 37-year-old Suzanne is a lot stronger professional than 25-year-old Suzanne was.

Therefore, my advice to the Millennials - just hang in there.

Friday, October 31, 2008

New site explores Millennial mindset

I heard from Millennial Editor Seth Fischer about his new site The Splinter Generation - featuring the works of writers under 35 (I just missed the cut off on that age range, by the way). I encourage you to take a look. Here's what he has to say about the site:

We are thrilled about the amazing writers - many new and several established -
who are a part of this project. We published Emma Komlos-Hrobsky, a twenty-two
year old fiction writer with a hilarious send-up of both our generation and our
parents' generation. We published Joshua Tung, a fifteen year old Singaporean boy who has written an astounding poem about 9/11. We published an interview with Lance Corporal Poole, who was injured in Iraq, thirty-two year old Anirban Acharya's poetry about cities, twenty-five year old Reuben Hayslett's essay
about loving a gay man in the military, and many, many others. Our writers are
diverse; they are gay, straight, black, white, wealthy, poor, and from every
corner of the country. But most importantly, they are outstanding voices of our

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's a good time to be an Xer

I saw two articles today that made me think, "wow it's a good time to be an Xer."

Seriously, how often do we hear how hard we Xers have it? We've been even called the Jan Brady generation because we're sandwiched between two such attention-seeking generations.

But now, Xers have the advantage.

The first article I saw was an Australian analysis of the American presidential election. It declares the end of the Boomer era in American politics. The next president will be either from the Silent Generation (the generation Boomers disrespected) or Generation X. I know, I know, technically Obama was born at the end of the Boom (1961), but he's not a Boomer. I can give you stats. I can give you qualitative analysis. Just the fact that I've never hear the man say "synergy" or "synergistic" means he's not a Boomer. And since McCain is really coming across as the old guy in the neighborhood who yells at kids to get off his lawn, I think Obama's chances are pretty good.

So it's good to be an Xer, because we'll probably be in the White House.

The second reason it's good to be an Xer is because the economy is in the toilet. A Canadian article recently called Gen Y Generation Shocked. That's because they are having a tough time dealing with the dismal job prospects out there. Meanwhile, careerist Barbara Moses is quoted in the article as saying that Gen Xers have what it takes to succeed - even in a bad job market.

"They know how to look after themselves. They're independent, they're
plucky, they've internalized that nobody is going to look after them, they know
they can't rest on their laurels and that they will have to be scrappy to get
any kind of career goodies."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gen Xers need trusted advisors

You see a lot written about the need to find good mentors. However, I think it’s just as important – if not more important – to find yourself some trusted advisors.

By this I mean people you do not work with, but you can talk to about the harder things you deal with at work. I have found these people to be more important to my career success than anything else.

Your trusted advisors should be people who not only could look you in the eye and say, “You’re doing this wrong, here’s what you need to do,” but also those who you could say the same to. The key is being equals.

In a mentoring relationship, the mentor is the wise one and the mentee is the empty vessel to be filled with the mentor’s wisdom. I’m not against mentoring relationships. However, the combination of a changing workplace and Gen Xers and Ys coming into prominence make peer-to-peer advising more effective. If you’re have a problem in today’s workplace, a political move from 15 years ago simply is not going to cut it.

I believe that Gen Xers really are the best at this kind of relationship building and career advising because, frankly, we’re outcomes based. Recently, JenX67 made a comment on Penelope Trunk’s blog that really sums up my feelings on the topic the best:

You forgot one major, huge glaring thing, Penelope. Generation Y will in
most cases report to Generation X, and this and this alone ensures a better
life for them than we have had. They will have outwardly focused bosses
who care
about their work/life balance; who will strive to give them
flexibility. Who
will let them bring their kids to work when a record ice
storm closes down all
the schools and every other business in town. They
will find innovative ways to
keep THE staff (never "THEIR" staff — gosh! How
I hated that!) happy, b/c happy
workers, they know, produce more and are
more creative.

Generation X will worry to a fault that Generation Y is
gets the credit
they deserve. Generation X will transform that helicopter
edge into mentoring.
The apathy of Gen X will be replaced by rational
discussion with Gen Y. Gen X
will seek more meaningful, authentic
collaboration with Gen Y. They know by
experience how much they had to offer
and how much was dismissed. It's hard to
say how many creative ideas
corporate America, but even more so, GOVERNMENT,
suffered the loss of,
because Generation X was so successfully silenced.

Generation X will not
inflict upon Generation Y what we have had to
endure. Generation Y will
never have to support our egoes. On the contrary, Gen
X will seek to equip
the workforce with all the tools they need, and trust that
Gen Y will
surpass them in some areas. Gen X will be OK with that, because this
generation does not worry about becoming irrelevant. The absence of
recognition sent us on a search for real meaning, and we found it in our
families. We'll gladly turn the reigns over to Gen Y before the sun has
completely set. As Howe and Strauss have indicated, the high for Generation
X is
in retirement, and so we won't be lingering or dying in the chair.
Thank God for

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Boomers not hippies, more like hippie haters

Minnesota columnist Tim Engstrom has an interesting perspective on the Gen X/Boomer conflict.

Like many Xers, he's tired of the Boomer folklore that paints all Boomers as pot-smoking hippies in the 1960s. In fact, he argures that most Boomers were more likely to be anti-hippie, than actual hippies.

I'm curious what you-all think on the topic. When I'm with Boomer colleagues, I'd say Tim was wrong. Although not potheads, I could definitely see a lot of the Boomers I've worked with over the years wearing some serious tie-dye back in the day. Yet, my mom and her buddies - also Boomers - were definitely more Doris Day than Grace Slick.

Any thoughts?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Babyboomers drive career of the future

For years, I've heard Babyboomers acuse Gen Xers of wanting them to die so they can take their jobs (seriously, I've heard this quite a bit from Boomers). Apparently, they were kind of right.

It turns out that the funeral industry is expecting a boom from the Boomers in the upcoming years. Just as Boomers drove the market for high-end minivans while they were in their 30s - and designer drugs like Viagra in their 50s, they will also boost the funeral business in the future.

The Associated Press reports:
Though dipping slightly over the last several years, and expected to be stagnant
for several more, the death rate of about 8.1 per 1,000 people is expected to
inch significantly upward sometime in the next decade and eventually go as high
as 10.9. The exact dates are tough to pinpoint because of the size of the
generation and medical advances.Experts say the mortality rate is the greatest
single predictor of the industry's business, estimated at about $11 billion
annually at funeral homes alone. So bottom lines are likely to bulge.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Does eating Froot Loops make you immature?

What's clear here: Some people just don't get it.

Are Gen X men refusing to grow up - or are they just more active fathers? I would argue the latter.

Smoking a pipe, sipping scotch, and wearing matching pajamas does not a grown up make. Although it is true that Xers are reaching middle age later than previous generations, a bowl of cereal does not determine your level of maturity. In fact, some people argue that Gen Xers' alternative approach to adulthood is actually what will "save the world."

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Boomers were right...

As someone who deplores the saying "40 is the new 30," I must say I am dumbfounded to find out that 40 is actually the new 30.

It turns out a group of Austrian scientists say that middle age is starting later, because people are living longer. They are measuring your lifestage based on how many years you have left to live, rather than how many you have already lived.

For Americans, that means:

"Five years ago, the average American was 35.3 years old and could plan for 43.5 more years of life. By 2050, the researchers estimate it will increase to 41.7 years and 45.8 future years."

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Razor blades and needles: Halloween memories of Gen X

While newsmen and newswomen report the story each year, the fact of the matter is that there has been no substantiated story about Halloween candy tampering.

And yet, this is probably one of the biggest urban myths to crop up during the childhood of Generation X.

The one thing that is surprising, is that the myth wasn't directly blamed on Gen X children (like most things in the 1970s.) It was blamed on Satanic Cults. But then again, media portrayals of children in the 1970s often showed them as being demon-possessed (remember Damian? Linda Blair? Rosemary's Baby?).

You know, maybe it was our fault after all. Thirty year later, Generation Y is also jumping on board the poison candy bandwagon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gen X quiz

As I wait for my Intro to PR students to finish their midterms, I am reading Jeff Gordinier's X Saves The World. I must share the GXAT (Generation X Aptitude Test). What's your answer to this question - Do you want to change the world?

1. Yes, and I'm proud to say we did it, man. We changed the world. Just look around you!

2. Yes, absolutely, and I promise I will get back to doing it just as soon as interest rates return to where they're supposed to be.

3. Omigod, omigod, changing the world and helping people is, like, totally important to me! I worked in a soup kitchen once and it was so sad but the poor people there had so much dignity!

4. The way you phrase that question is so fucking cheesy and absurd that I am not even sure I want to continue with this pointless exercise.

That's the only question on the GXAT. If you answered #4, you're an Xer (no matter your age). What did you answer?

Why Xers have a hard time brainstorming with Boomers

I've noticed over the years that Xers and Boomers brainstorm very differently. Xers throw out their ideas and then negotiate the final decision. Boomers like to flip things over, analyze more, and come to a consensus.

However, that's not why we Xers have a hard time brainstorming with our Boomer colleagues. It's because the Boomers break and unwritten Xer rule: No ripping on other people's ideas in the first round.

Boomers will tell you WHY they don't like your idea - and then WHY they prefer their idea. Xers will just tell you WHY they prefer their idea - unless it comes down a draw, at which point they bring out the heavy guns: WHY they don't like your idea.

So when Xers brainstorm with Boomers, and the Boomers say WHY they don't like your idea, Xers take it to mean the Boomer has pulled out the heavy guns from the start. It's a dis, if you will.

That's why we feel pissed off. But we shouldn't. Most of us are fine going with another person's idea, so that's not what gets under our skin. It's the breaking of the rule. And if the Boomers don't know the rule, they aren't pissing us off on purpose.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Can retired Boomers compete in a Gen X lead workforce?

A new website is trying to levy support for retiring Babyboomers who want to start on their second career. The question is: Can they hack it in a Gen X lead workforce?

Xers are outcomes focused. Boomers like to talk process ... a lot. With Boomers in charge, Xers have learned to work with it. But when Boomers retire from their "first" career, it will be Xers who take their place. Is it payback time?
Frankly, Xers are different than Boomers. And Xers are never going to grow into Boomers. It will be hard for Boomers to fit into this new workplace. They may have second careers - but almost all will focus on offering some type of service to other Boomers. It's hard to imagine an Xer hiring a Boomer, when they could hire an Xer who will just get the job done.

At least your day's not this bad...

For any Monday morning grumps, I present Cowgirl.

The Associated Press is reporting that this undated mug shot released by the Middletown, Ohio, police department shows Michelle Allen, 32. Allen was arrested Sept. 27, 2008 after she allegedly impeded traffic, urinated on a neighbor's porch and chased children while wearing a cow suit, according to a Middletown police report.(AP Photo/Middletown Ohio Police department via Dayton Daily News)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Millennials want to be Xers!

I knew it. Millennials really just want to be Xers. Why? Because we're cooler, of course. Well, they won't actually admit it. Blogger Sarah Ewing says they're trying to pass as Xers so they can get better accounts in the advertising industry.

I'm just really glad that blogging didn't exist when I was 26. I'd hate for there to be a record of my total lack of regard for wisdom and experience at that time.

What do Xers REALLY think about the election?

Today there's analysis all over the web on last night's vice presidential debate. No need to analize the Gen X demographic. Just look at what my peeps (those I follow) were saying on Twitter last night. I've pasted most of the comments below. Start from the bottom and work your way up. Clearly, we're not buying what they're selling. You betcha!

rosyblue now that the debate is over, I have to eat something. from web

dbrowell Okay, thanks for bearing with my debate Tweets/Status Updates again crew... from web

dbrowell I'm not trashing Palin but it's amazing everyone praising Palin for NOT being a trainwreck; like a room full of helicopter parents #vpdebate from web

dbrowell Palin's focus was to get McCain elected... Biden spoke a bit more about the whole ticket #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Retweet @jpankow: Asking a candidate what there achilles heel is is like asking a candidate "What is your biggest weakness?" from TweetDeck

dbrowell I wish Henry Rollins would moderate a debate #vpdebate from web

lruettimann I'd like to raise my own questions and answer them in my next interview. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell Let's try it on now: "President Biden" (breath) "President Palin" how's it feel? #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current gotta charge my battery. going to listen to wolf. need to use polar bear blood to repower computer. from web

jeffkart #current that was entertaining. from web

suzannekart Sarah did okay. Still like Joe better. Is Sarah yelling? from web

lruettimann Holy crap, it's ovah. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell Can't wait for Tom Brokaw.... #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Are you up, Joe? Go Viagra! #current from web

jeffkart #current barack obama can outbake sarah palin, too. from web

suzannekart Jo Jo - you need to be tougher on Tina Fey. #current from web

dbrowell Joe's final line should be: "You'll never hear me say, 'doggone it'" #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current hmm i think biden did better. but palin did a good job on her cheat sheets. from web

suzannekart Let's over pronounce our R's. RRRRRRRRR. Oh, and let's quote Tobey Keith #current from web

dbrowell Is she gonna pull out a prayer hanky? #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current unfiltered palin makes me burp. she knows what the hurts are. like her pregnant daughter. from web

dbrowell Hey Sarah, HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE then! #vpdebate from web

lruettimann OMG, she's apologizing for her interview with Couric. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell Closing statement.... wait, she's never met Biden? #vpdebate from web

suzannekart She could be the smartest gal ever - but with that accent, she sounds like a tard. from web

dbrowell Wait- how diverse a family does she have? The whitest person in this whole election gets to trumpet diversity? #vpdebate from web

dbrowell I'll appoint and fire anyone! #vpdebate from web

dbrowell Alaska must be ths amazing, idyllic land where everyone holds hands! #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current alaska is up there. from web

suzannekart You know, it's like JR Ewing versus Tina Fey. They are both hard to look at. #current from web

jeffkart #current my laptop battery is dying. somebody drill for more oil. from web

suzannekart John McCain is against heat for cold people - okay I stole that from JK. #current from web

dbrowell Final question: Joe, why aren't you a woman? #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current john mccain is against heat for cold people. from web

dbrowell Joe uncorks on the "maverick" issue, only making us drunker. #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Highway to the Danger Zone! Yeah, Maverick. #current from web

dbrowell If you're using Lieberman and Gulliani as your biggest fans, you might... um... use, like, ANYONE else. #vpdebate from web

lruettimann "Has not been a maverick on things that matter in people's lives." #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current does she get paid for saying maverick. is she promoting a new deodorant or something? from web

suzannekart Sarah: Yeah, he's a maverick. Just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. But where's Goose. Oh, he's dead. Sorry, Mav. #current from web

dbrowell This debate gets you drunker on "maverick" than watching Top Gun #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current AWWW crying joe. awesome. beautiful. thanks sarah. follow that up beeyatch! from web

lruettimann Palin just missed that tender moment. Sad. Could have been a nice moment of bipartisanship. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell Speaking of taking shots, you guys must be sloshed with our "maverick" drinking game #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Joe: Awesome "choke" - brought a tear to my eye. #current from web

lruettimann Holy crap, Joe. You made me cry. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell America is a nation of exceptionalism? After the last two weeks of our economy? #vpdebate from web

suzannekart @mmmoran - Cheney is alive, but he's still creepy. from web in reply to mmmoran

suzannekart Hey Sarah, don't even play the parent card with Joe. His wife and daughter DIED and he raised his two boys by himself. #current from web

timmmii Christ Sarah's numbers are going to go up. She's been trained well and stupid Americans will go for her bullshit. Sorry to say. from txt

jeffkart #current wasilla! governor of a huge state! she's a mom, concerned about a soldier, special needs, and she's got GREAT LEGS from web

mmmoran Cheney still alive? from txt

lruettimann She hated that job as a regulator and flipped the corrupt republicans to get outta that job. Am I wrong? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell She asked about weakness people. "I think I'm just TOO dedicated." #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Did you know that Bartman worked for Hewitt? It's another example of how Human Resources ruins everything. #cubs from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current thats right joe. dangerous dick cheney. shootin people in the face. from web

suzannekart @jeffkart - I think Barry's a thong man. Thong tha thong thong thong. from web in reply to jeffkart

dbrowell I LOVE JOE BIDEN FOR SAYING THAT ABOUT CHENEY. (Sorry, but he had to get one major shot in this debate to go off) #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Hell ya, Joe! #current from web

jeffkart #current keep checking your notes sarah. stay on the notes. no ad libbing. from web

suzannekart You know, Sarah's convinced me. Change sucks. Let's pollute instead! #current from web

dbrowell Can we drill in that position? #vpdebate from web

dbrowell OMG Executive branch question #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current every major decision ill be sittiing in the room. boxers or briefs? from web

suzannekart Sarah: Yes, I'd take down the environment for Johnny! #current from web

jeffkart #current sarah is special from web

jeffkart #current oh special needs. ! from web

suzannekart Sarah: But what is the Bush doctrine!?! #current from web

suzannekart Palin is lame! #current from web

jeffkart #current yes. we need to support education. go out on a limb baby. from web

dbrowell Three words: "President Doggone It" #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Can we officially stop the shout-outs to third graders? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current joe biden is just like me. middle class. pumps his own gas. hangs out at home depot. wears $5,000 ties. from web

dbrowell NO SHE DID NOT SAY "Doggonit" #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Snap, we're in neighborhood wars. Throw up your signs! #vpdebate from TweetDeck

lruettimann I hate to say it, but I spend a lot of time at Home Depot, too. #vpdebate #laurierelocates from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current john mccain is having a heart attack right now. wasilla! from web

dbrowell What is the reality of Wasilla? #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Reality from Wassila, the meth capital of Alaska. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell "Team of mavericks!" We're such mavericks that we don't work alone #vpdebate (sorry, retag) from web

dbrowell "Team of mavericks!" We're such mavericks that we don't work alone! from web

lruettimann RT @SHiP: Palin doesn't support early withdrawal, um, we kind of figured that since you can't seem to stop havin' dem darn kids from TweetDeck

gregoryng If you are watching in HD you know that Biden's makeup artist should be fired. #current from twhirl

lruettimann Retweet @stelzner: I'm running out of rum for the VP drinking game #vpdebate I am drinking rum, too. Great minds! from TweetDeck

dbrowell Wait- what's the Bush Doctrine? #vpdebate from web

dbrowell Is it just me or does Sarah's deference to McCain seem a little creepy? #vpdebate from web

suzannekart There she goes! Pull out the big guns! Maybe she can quote that made-for-tv movie about McCain's time in 'Nam. #current from web

jeffkart #current dick cheney might shoot him in the face. from web

dbrowell Oh those pundits... Sarah, you better hope they DON'T. #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current john mccain was lock step with dick cheney. even worse than being with bush. from web

dbrowell Biden needs to look at her more. It's only polite. #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Is that her real accent? She's making that up. Nobody talks like that. Just in movies. Like FARGO. Cohen brothers, you out there? #current from web

lruettimann I'm actually impressed with the mere mention of Darfur. Good job, Ifill. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell "Americans are 'cravin'' that straight talk!" Just like they're cravin' the great taste of Bud Light... #vpdebate from web

lruettimann "It's so obvious that I'm a Washington outsider..." "Americans are craving straight talk." I'm not drunk enough, peeps. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current AT LEAST hes got a record sarah from web

dbrowell Yeah BOY is it obvious. #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current hes been in those camps but she can see russia from her house. from web

suzannekart "I'm suckin' down beers. This is so entertaining," Jeff Kart. #current from web

lruettimann Retweet @natthedem: Fact Checking Sarah Palin: http://tinyurl.com/3r2tp3 from TweetDeck

suzannekart Palin looks like she has to pee. #current from web

dbrowell Who is in that Cylon eye piece behind them? I keep waiting for a red beam... #vpdebate from web

dbrowell Hey, how come we don't have NATO in Iraq helping us? You know, our pals? #vpdebate from web

lruettimann What? Palin is dead wrong on Afghanistan. FACTS MATTER. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

dbrowell Corri suggests we just get thos nuclear nations more maps. haha #vpdebate from web

dbrowell Gov. Palin, when is it safe to use Omega Supreme? #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Is it just me, or does Gwen look like the mom from that show Erckel was on? #current from web

jeffkart #current oh god gwen, please dont ask me about complicated stuff like nuclear weapons. she thinks nuclear weapons and power r the same. from web

suzannekart John McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time. #current from web

dbrowell I haven't heard how "George Bush's" sounds so much like "Gerggebusses" #vpdebate from web

lruettimann Change is coming. Thank goodness. #vpdebate from web

suzannekart What's not to love about Israel? Mazel tov! #current from web

dbrowell Wait, EVERY administration has giant blunders? #vpdebate from web

jeffkart #current we both love israel. let's eat some cake. from web

dbrowell Her flag pin is bigger than yours. DEBATE OVER. #vpdebate from web

dbrowell OMG- okay, so to catch up: Paula Abdul- I mean, Sarah Palin likes the term, "straight up" #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Dodge dip duck and dodge #current from web

dbrowell I think I deserve an award for resisting the urge to text while driving & listening to #vpdebate from web

suzannekart Sarah: Yes, that's what Jews like: Fundamentalist Christians. #current from web

jeffkart #current its sickening to see palin try to act like she knows about foreign policy or anything but mooseburger. from web

suzannekart Sarah - What do you think of the Bush doctrine? Let me rephrase: Have you found out what the Bush doctrine is? #current from web

suzannekart Joe: It's time to take out Sarah. Quite being such a gentleman. #current from web

suzannekart Joe: It's time to take out Sarah. Quite being such a gentleman. #current from web

jeffkart #current oooh. now were in foreign policy territory. bring it biden! make her look stoopid. from web

suzannekart Palin - women's rights? Yeah, unless it's a right to choose. #current from web

lruettimann Oh she had a very good convesation with Kissinger. Wink wink. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current i think gwens questions suck. from web

suzannekart The Castro brothers? Are they one of those Nick at Night bands? #current from web

jeffkart #current cant allow folks to acquire nuclear energy? from web

timmmii I genuinely despise Sarah Palin. She makes me physically ill. from txt

jeffkart #current biden just promised an afghani attack. did you check with bush first? 9-11. from web

lruettimann DICK CHENEY. 9:44PM. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Most of those troops are like 18. When I was 18, I was trying to find someone to buy me beer. #current from web

suzannekart Most of those troops are like 18. When I was 18, I was trying to find someone to buy me beer. #current from web

suzannekart Most of those troops are like 18. When I was 18, I was trying to find someone to buy me beer. #current from web

jeffkart #current biden admits love for john mccain. but no gay marriage. from web

lruettimann Where's the intellectual honesty in Palin's answer on Iraq funding? Oh man. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current john mccain voted to cut off funding for the troops. 9-11. from web

suzannekart If you pull out the troops, there's not funding to cut off. #current from web

suzannekart We should never have gone to Iraq. Get our kids out NOW!!!! #current from web

lruettimann WHITE. FLAG. OF. SURRENDER? omg. don't even tell me she said that. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

lruettimann Or is it Err-Rack? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

lruettimann I want candidates who say things properly. Uh-RACK, not AYE-RACK. Am I wrong? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current clean coal is real. global warming is fake. just kidding. from web

chrisbrogan In the hallway of this hotel, I hear every tv listening to the debate from twitterrific

lruettimann Joe Biden's fake surprise face --> not good. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

timmmii Clean coal is complete bullshit from txt

jeffkart #current no gay marriage. jesus rode on dinosaurs. from web

jeffkart #current sarah is flubbing. from web

jeffkart #current coal with carbon sequestration and gasification is CLEANER. not clean. from web

suzannekart Obama/O'Biden '08 #current from web

jeffkart #current everyone drink when they say clean coal. from web

lruettimann NUKE U LAR 9:35PM #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Did she just call him Senator O'Biden? #current from web

suzannekart Drill baby drill. Disco inferno. from web

lruettimann Natural gas pipeline: FAIL #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current sarah says drill baby drill. that is so dirty. from web

suzannekart Hey, what's a little asthma when you can lower gas prices in 10 years? #current from web

suzannekart Joe: I like my air dirty dirty dirty. #current from web

jeffkart #current this is the best part so far. biden stands up. GW is manmade. If you don't understand it, you can't solve it. biden is on top. from web

lruettimann Good solid answer on climate change, Joe. Why aren't we calling it global warming, though? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Can someone say "light rail"? #current from web

jeffkart #current thank you joe. it is manmade. keep denying it, not talking about sarah. yeh! score one for biden. thank god. from web

jeffkart #current thank you joe. it is manmade. keep denying it, not talking about sarah. yeh! score one for biden. thank god. from web

suzannekart Oh I believe you, Sarah. Oh, and evolution is just scientific hocus focus. #current from web

lshevock Silence from txt

jeffkart #current sarah, if dinosaurs were only here 3,000 yrs ago, how did they turn into oil? from web

jeffkart #current i dont want to talk about the causes of CC. that was the question! from web

lruettimann There is something to be said for cyclical temperature changes. And Jesus. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current she hasnt read the ipcc report. dummy. from web

jeffkart #current climate change! from web

timmmii Watching the debate in a recording studio at Pyramind, where the Get Connected Summit mixer is happening. surreal. from txt

jeffkart #current hey sarah, do you support coal power? clean coal cough cough from web

suzannekart Yeah, let's drill more in Alaska! Environment Shminvironment. You go Sarah. I didn't like fresh air anyway! #current from web

jeffkart #current drill baby drill. shes trying to get people to clap. ANWR!!! from web

lruettimann Oh no, don't get Joe talking about bankruptcy. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

meanttolive Please explain to me why my ipod connects to the Internet and my Mac does not. . . from mobile web

jeffkart #current when is she going to talk about mccain being in NAM? from web

lruettimann Mainstreeters --> the new Senate acapella band? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart @rosyblue - he does look quite smooth. Smoother than Palin - boo ya! #current from web in reply to rosyblue

jeffkart #current how about some gotchas. pregnancy. bidens plagiarism. rev. wright. from web

lruettimann REAR THE HEAD!! #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current legislative bill questions gwen? from web

suzannekart @jeffkart - I want to see them in a girl fight. from web in reply to jeffkart

lruettimann @suzannekart The eyebrows are unfortunate. #vpdebate from TweetDeck in reply to suzannekart

jeffkart #current i really want to hear them talk about their plans, not just batter each other. from web

suzannekart Is it just me, but does Biden kind of look like the head vampire? Or maybe J.R. Ewing. It's the eyebrows. #current from web

jeffkart #current ok. palin says she has five weeks experience. lub dub lub dub. from web

lshevock Is Sarah answering the ques? from txt

suzannekart Anyone playing Palin Bingo? #current from web

suzannekart Ya Margie. from web

jeffkart #current when is she going to say wasilla?!?! from web

lruettimann "I had to take on those oil companies and tell them, 'Give my husband a better job so he can fish during the summer'." #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Sarah Palin says, "I'm tough like a hockey player!" #current from web

suzannekart Sarah Palin says, "Obama is a liar!" #current from web

jeffkart #current she is totally using cheat sheets from web

lshevock Snickerdoodles from txt

lruettimann Wait? What kind of weird snarky reference was that? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Joe needs to take her down. Now. Why not ask about the Couric interview? Or quote Tina Fey. from web

suzannekart What's the nickname for Sarah - is it Sally? #current from web

jeffkart #current oooh bridge to nowhere. gwen has questions she wants answered: will you buy my barack book that comes out on inaug. day? from web

lruettimann Good description of the healthcare issue, Joe. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart @jeffkart - but no gimp hand from web in reply to jeffkart

jeffkart #current oooh biden has a pen like bob dole. bob dole has a pen. from web

suzannekart @lshevock - your hair is so much better than Sarah's from web in reply to lshevock

lruettimann SCRANTON 9:19 PM. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

lshevock Need 2 get separated bangs. Wispy chunks from txt

jeffkart #current shes doin pretty good. hope mccains heart keeps tickin from web

suzannekart @jeffkart - tag team debating! I want to see Barack put Sarah in a headlock. Now that's television! #current from web in reply to jeffkart

lruettimann Joe would be wise to link the Federal gov't recent performance to Bush & McCain. STAT. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Does Sarah bake cookies? #current from web

lruettimann She knows how to work a camera. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current i want to see barack and john walk in and all four of them go at it. from web

lshevock She reading an outline from txt

suzannekart YEah, Joe. I'm middle class. I want some money. Lots and lots of money. #current from web

jeffkart #current biden loves to say middle class. middle class. from web

jeffkart #current im having a hard time listening and being witty from web

dbrowell Now u all drink every time she says "maverick" while I'm driving home and we'll see how drunk u are in 30 minutes #vpdebate from Brightkite

suzannekart I think Gwen is going to bitch slap Sarah #current from web

lshevock Tru dat.

jeffkart #current shes a maverick. "i will not follow your format gwen!" from web

lruettimann 9:14 MAYOR AND GOVERNOR. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Booo-yah Joe! #current from web

redpepper9 I think the bags under my eyes mirror those of Biden's. from web

jeffkart #current looks like palin has been studying in her igloo from web

suzannekart But Sarah, John voted with George 90% of the time! Don't you watch Barack's commercials? #current from web

dbrowell How can u have a "team of mavericks"??? #vpdebate from Brightkite

lruettimann OMG, Joey Danko. Chris Matthews just nuts with the ethnic name. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Do you think Palin can read? #current from web

jeffkart #current oh my god. joe biden pumps his own gas?! from web

jeffkart @redpepper9 tweet with us! from web in reply to redpepper9

lruettimann If you have the word literally, you are already drunk. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current never again palin says. does she want us to vote for obama?! from web

redpepper9 You guys need a chat room from web

suzannekart Joe Six Pack? Did he go to Edsel? from web

jeffkart #current yay. im joe six pack. look at my belly. from web

lruettimann Joe Sixpack. 9:10PM. DRINK IT. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current how many houses does mccain own? from web

lshevock New do sarah from txt

jeffkart #current nice butt shot o' palin from web

dbrowell #vpdebate gott aget my bag and get home... more soon! from web

lruettimann "I respect your years in the US Senate." --> you old man. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

mmmoran are his eyes open??? from web

suzannekart Git down to git business - git her done Sarah! #current from web

mmmoran Bad hair, bad teal quilted jacket...... from web

jeffkart #current git r done palin sez from web

lruettimann Did Palin just wink @ the camera? #vpdebate from TweetDeck

jeffkart #current its annoying that my dvr is behind the live broadcast. grrr. from web

lruettimann Fundamentals of the economy are strong. 9:07PM. Nice. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart @redpepper9 - She sprung for a barrette. from web in reply to redpepper9

lshevock Soccer from txt

jeffkart #current shrink this gap gwen sez. sexual! from web

lruettimann Schwoo. First exchange is done. #vpdebate from TweetDeck

suzannekart Ya Margie. #current from web

suzannekart She sounds like that chick in the movie Fargo. #current from web

jeffkart #current she doesnt look as hot tonight. boo! from web

chrisbrogan Beautiful. @glendawh is beautiful. http://tinyurl.com/3ua842 from web

redpepper9 Where is Palin's per usual banana clip? from web

suzannekart I Betcha Sarah! #current from web

lruettimann 9:05 First use of BETCHA #vpdebate from TweetDeck